Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery

What is Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal tunnel is a condition that causes pain, weakness, tingling, and numbness in the hand and fingers due to compression of the median nerve in the wrist (Carpal Tunnel). Repetitive motions, such as typing or manual labour, or conditions, such as arthritis or diabetes, often cause it. It is also common during pregnancy. Treatment options include splints, physiotherapy, steroid injection and surgery.

Some common symptoms of Carpal Tunnel syndrome include:

  • Numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the hand and fingers
  • Weakness in grip strength
  • Pain at night
  • Difficulty with fine motor tasks

How long does Carpal Tunnel surgery take?

Carpal tunnel release surgery typically takes about 30 minutes to complete. You’ll be able to head home on the same day. The procedure is mostly performed awake under local anaesthetic injection to numb the palm. During the procedure, we will make a small incision in the heel of the palm and divide the ligament that is pressing on the median nerve to relieve the compression. After surgery, a period of rest and physiotherapy is typically recommended to help the wrist heal and regain strength.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of developing trigger finger, including:

Book a consultation for more information and to be advised

How long does it take to recover from Carpal Tunnel surgery?

Recovery time from Carpal Tunnel surgery varies from person to person, but most people notice an improvement in their symptoms right after the procedure. The time it takes to recover fully can range from several weeks to a few months, depending on several factors, such as the severity of the condition, the type of surgery performed, and the patient’s overall health. As the palm begins to heal, most people can gradually return to normal activities and regain strength and function in their hand and wrist.

It’s important to remember that every human body and hand is different, and everyone’s recovery time will vary; it’s also important to follow the post-operative instructions and attend any follow-up appointments with a doctor to ensure a successful recovery.

Next Steps

Get in touch with us to find out more about the procedure. Simply give us a call or contact us using the form on our contact page.

How long after Carpal Tunnel surgery can I drive?

You will not be able to drive straight after your Carpal Tunnel release surgery. Most people can resume driving within 1-2 weeks after surgery, but this can vary depending on the individual's rate of recovery and the specific instructions from their doctor. It's essential to ensure your hand and wrist recover to full strength again before driving. Before you get behind the wheel, you should: Be able to grip and control the steering wheel appropriately, be able to sit comfortably and at ease, be able to perform an emergency stop, have full feeling back in your wrist and hand, make sure you have no pain or discomfort while driving and ensure any medication or painkillers don't make you drowsy.

When is Carpal Tunnel bad enough for surgery?

Every patient is different. Not everyone requires surgery when suffering from Carpal Tunnel. However, surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is typically considered when other conservative treatments have failed to provide adequate relief from symptoms. The decision to have surgery is usually made when the following criteria are met:

How to sleep after Carpal Tunnel surgery?

After Carpal Tunnel surgery, it's important to protect your wrist and hand while you sleep to promote healing and reduce the risk of postoperative complications. Here are some tips to help you sleep comfortably:

Can Carpal Tunnel return after surgery?

It is uncommon for Carpal Tunnel to return after surgery; however, to minimise the risk of Carpal Tunnel syndrome returning, it's important to follow proper post-operative care and engage in physiotherapy or other rehabilitation exercises to regain strength and flexibility in the wrist. In some cases, modifications to daily activities and work habits may be necessary to prevent repetitive motions that can lead to the recurrence of symptoms.

Book a consultation for more information and to be advised